Mapping the real space distribution of galaxies

SHAO Astrophysics Colloquium

Title: Mapping the real space distribution of galaxies

Speaker: Xiaohu Yang (USTC)

Time 3:00pm, Nov. 30 (Thursday)  

Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor 

Abstract: Galaxies are the building blocks of the Universe. Their distributions contain important information regarding the content and growth histories of our Universe. However, because of the redshift distortion effect, their distributions are distorted by the so-called linear Kaiser effect and nonlinear Finger-of-God effect. These effects may hamper our interpretation of the galaxy clustering measurements, meanwhile they also contain important information regarding the nature of our Universe. In this talk, I will present one method to statistically mapping the real space distribution of galaxies, and some of its applications in cosmological and galaxy formation probes.
