A multi-zone view of blazar's emission
 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Astrophysics Colloquium


Title:A multi-zone view of blazar's emission

Speaker:Ruoyu Liu (NJU)

Time:3:00pm Nov. 09h (Thursday)

Tencent Meeting42915400486 password: 6360

Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor

Report in English


Blazars are a subclass of active galactic nuclei with relativistic jets that launched from supermassive black holes approximately pointing to Earth.  Due to the strong Doppler boosting effect, a blazar's emission is dominated by the nonthermal radiation from the jet. While the classical one-zone model has made a great success in understanding blazar's emission, the model faces many challenges posed by modern observations. I will talk about our recent efforts in attempting to understand various observational features of blazars, such as SED, variability, and polarization, under a multi-zone framework.


Prof. Liu obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Heidelberg in 2015. Then he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK) and Deutsches Electron-Synchrotron researcher center (DESY) respectively for two years. In 2019, he returned to China and joined Nanjing University as a research professor. His research interest mainly focuses on the origin of high-energy cosmic rays and high-energy neutrinos, the radiation processes in dynamic astrophysical objects such blazars, gamma-ray bursts, pulsar wind nebulae, etc, as well as their roles as the accelerators of cosmic rays.
