Magpie simulation: studying the faintest satellite galaxies around the Milky Way
 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Astrophysics Colloquium

TitleMagpie simulation: studying the faintest satellite galaxies around the Milky Way


Speaker:邵 实(国家天文台)

Time3:00pm Dec. 28h (Thursday)

Tencent Meeting42915400486 password: 6360

Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor

Report in English


Most tensions between Local Group observations and standard cosmological model (Lambda cold dark matter, LCDM) are associated with the faintest galaxies. For example, the ``missing satellites" problem: the overabundance of predicted LCDM subhalos compared to satellite galaxies known to exist in the Local Group. However, the Milky Way (MW) has systematically fewer satellite galaxies than predicted by simulations. The constraint on low-mass galaxies from simulations is weak, and this is mainly due to the limitation of the resolution---even the highest resolution cosmological simulation in the world is not yet able to resolve the galaxies of 10^5 Msun in stellar mass. Moreover, the disagreement could also be due to a combination of factors, such as our MW being an atypical system in LCDM (e.g. the plane of satellite), or due to our incomplete understanding of galaxy formation in low-mass galaxies. Thus, the formation mechanism of the faintest satellites in our MW is far from being understood. In this talk, I will introduce the state-of-the-art Magpie simulations that I am currently developing, in which, the simulated systems have similar kinematical characteristics to those observed for our MW, such as the Magellanic clouds and the plane of satellites. I will also talk about how to use the well-developed cosmological simulation code, GADGET-3, and the sophisticated semi-analytic models, GALFORM, to resolve the faintest satellites in the Magpie simulations. This project will offer us an opportunity to reveal the mystery of the formation and evolution of the faintest satellites that have been observed so far, and will also make us to better understand the assembly history of the MW dark matter halo.




Dr. Shao is an associate researcher at NAOC. He was a postdoctoral researcher in the Institute for Computational Cosmology (ICC), Durham University. He obtained his PhD at the University of CAS and his BS from Nanjing University. His research interests include dark matter, galaxy formation, evolution of the Milky Way, etc.


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