Flows For The Masses: The first non-linear perturbative power spectrum for massive neutrinos in cosmology

Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Astrophysics Colloquium

TitleFlows For The Masses: The first non-linear perturbative power spectrum for massive neutrinos in cosmology

SpeakerAmol Upadhye (Yunnan University)

Time3:00 pm June 13th (Thursday)

Tencent Meeting42915400486 password: 6360

Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor


The neutrino mass sum is a fundamental particle physics parameter that will be measured cosmologically over the next several years, though a robust determination will require a precise understanding of neutrino clustering.  Recently I developed a non-linear cosmological perturbation theory for massive neutrinos.  It combines three ingredients: multi-fluid perturbation theories discretizing neutrinos' Fermi-Dirac distribution, non-linear coupling between different length scales, and Fast Fourier Transform acceleration.  I will describe the resulting neutrino power spectrum, including its dependence upon time and neutrino momentum, and test it against N-body simulations.  Finally, I will discuss ongoing and planned work on observable weak lensing predictions and improvements to N-body neutrino simulations.

CVAmol Upadhye received his PhD from Princeton University in the US, supervised by Prof. Paul J. Steinhardt.  He has held a Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics fellowship at the University of Chicago; a Director's Postdoctoral Fellowship at Argonne National Laboratory; and postdoctoral positions at the University of Wisconsin, the University of New South Wales, and Liverpool John Moores University.  Since September 2023, he has been an Associate Research Professor (副研究员) at the South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research at Yunnan University.  His research focuses on the contribution of massive neutrinos to the large-scale cosmic structure.

Koushare link to the recorded presentation
