Hyper-Millennium project: a hyper cosmological simulation for the next generation of large-scale structure survey

Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Astrophysics Colloquium

TitleHyper-Millennium project: a hyper cosmological simulation for the next generation of large-scale structure survey

SpeakerQi GuoNational Astronomical Observatory of China

Time3:00 pm Sep. 12th (Thursday)

Tencent Meeting42915400486 password: 6360

Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor


Dark matter and dark energy are among the most important cutting-edge sciences. Extensive global efforts have been dedicated to the large-scale structure evolution through projects like LSST, DESI, Euclid, PFS, and the Chinese space station optical survey. We have successfully completed a N-body cosmological simulation that traces 4 trillion particles from redshift 100 to the present day within a 2.5 Gpc/h box. The particle mass is 3.2 x 10^8 solar masses, meeting the requirements for the next generation of large-scale structure surveys. This simulation aids in understanding the systemic and statistical uncertainties involved in studying large-scale structure formation, including baryon acoustic oscillations, redshift distortion, weak lensing, high redshift AGNs and etc. In my presentation, I will delve into the details of the simulation and discuss advancements made in galaxy and AGN formation models.

CVProf. Qi Guo is a research fellow at the National Astronomical Observatory of China and deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Computational Astrophysics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Munich in 2009 and conducted postdoctoral research at Durham University. In 2013, she was selected as part of the Thousand Talents Program for young scientists and joined the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research focuses on galaxy cosmology, and she has made a series of high-profile contributions in both theoretical and observational aspects. She was awarded the Chinese Academy of Sciences Young Scientist Award in 2020 and the Royal Society Newton Advanced Fellowship in 2016.
