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Li Ji - A Proposal for UV Small Mission - CAFE

Title: A Proposal for UV Small Mission - CAFE

Speaker: Li Ji (PMO)     

Time & place: Thursday, 3:00pm, April 9th, lecture Hall, 3rd floor     

Abstract: On behalf of CAFE team, I will introduce our proposal of a small mission for the mapping of UV line emission of highly ionized oxygen (OVI) and neutral hydrogen from the Intergalactic Medium (IGM) and nearby galaxies, which will investigate those filaments connecting the galaxies and the large-scale structure of the Cosmic Web, and answer fundamental questions about galaxy formation and evolution. The proposed payload has four powerful narrow-band tunable imaging cameras to observe the pre-selected and well-examined in the multi-wavelength studies, ~200 target galaxies/clusters in the nearby Universe (z~0-0.05). Our 2-yr baseline mission has low inclination, low Earth orbit combined with an innovative optical design, which allows measurements of extragalactic OVI and Lyα emissions to previously unattained levels.

Biog: TBC   

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