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20/04/2017-Supernova Zoo: Obervations and Theories

 SHAO Astrophysics Colloquia

Title: Supernova Zoo: Obervations and Theories

Speaker: Xiaofeng Wang(Tsinghua University)

Time: 3 PM, Apr. 20th (Thursday)   


Supernovae (SNe) represent the final, explosive stage of certain types of stars,  playing important roles in diverse aspects of astrophysics, especially in observational cosmology. Large surveys launched in recent years lead to discovery of numerous such explosions, including some new types and subtypes that were unknown before. I will review the physical connections between different types of SNe and different types of stars. Some interesting results on constraints of progenitors and explosion physics of type Ia SNe and core collapse SNe from our own programs (i.e., TNTS and PTSS) will be also highlighted. 

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