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03/15/2018-Galaxy Evolution via 2D Spectroscopy


SHAO Astrophysics Colloquium


Speaker: Lei Hao (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)

Time: Mar 15(Thursday), 3pm

Location: Lecture hall, 3rd floor
Title: Galaxy Evolution via 2D Spectroscopy

Abstract: Formation and evolution of galaxies remains one of the most fundamental aspects of astrophysical studies. With the advent of integral field spectrographs (IFSs), 2D spectroscopic observations are now able to study the evolution of galaxies via many physical parameters in great detail. In this talk, I will mention the progresses in our understanding on the ionization, star-formation, structural and environmental properties of galaxies. I will also introduce the basic elements of an IFS, their technical challenges, and my personal perspective of the future of this type of instruments.

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