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SHAO Astrophysics Colloquia

Title: How was neutral hydrogen in our Galaxy discovered?

Speaker: Richard Strom (NAOC, ASTRON & University of Amsterdam)

Time: Wednesday, 3:00pm, December 18th

Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor


SDSS-IV Metting

Location: Lecture Hall,3rd floor


Contact: Cheng Li


Group meetings and additional talks

Observational High Energy Astrophysics Group Seminar

Location: 1402; Contact: Zhen Yan

Title: Black hole spin measurements through the relativistic precession model XTE J1550-564 (Holger Stiele)

Near-infrared and optical observations of the failed outbursts of black hole binary XTE J1550−564 (Zhen Yan)

A year in the life of the low-mass X-ray transient Aql X-1 (Hui Zhang)

Time: Monday, 10:30am, Dec 16

Cosmology and Galaxy Formation Seminar

Location: 1714; Contact: Jiawei Shao

Title: Geometry and topology in gravitational lensing theory

Speaker: Dr. Marcus Werner

Time: Wednesday,10:00am, Dec 18

Stellar Cluster and Galaxy Seminar group seminar

Location: 1515; Contact: Jianling Gan

Title: Kinematics of the Milky Way disc

Speaker: Martin C. Smith

Time: Wednesday, 10:30am, Dec 18

Blackhole accretion and High-energy astrophysics Seminar

Location: 1608; Contact: Qixiang Yang

Title: The impact of angular momentum on black hole accretion rates in simulations of galaxy formation

Speaker: Zhaoming Gan

Time: Friday, 9:30am, Dec 20  



Dr. Marcus Werner(Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo, Japan; also Mathematics Department, Duke University, US)

Dates: 17/12-22/12

Office: 1717

Host: Weipeng Li

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