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  SHAO Astrophysics Colloquia 


The Evolution of the Main Sequence of Star-Forming Galaxies Across Cosmic Time 


Speaker: Xianzhong Zheng(PMO)

Time: Thursday, 3:00pm, June 18th

Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor 


Star formation takes place mostly in star-forming galaxies (SFGs) from high-z to the present day. The tight correlation between star formation rates (SFRs) and stellar mass among SFGs, namely the so-called main sequence of SFGs, has become one of the fundamental relationships to verify models of galaxy formation and evolution. Characterizing the slope, normalization and scatter of the main sequence provides key insights into the physical processes regulating star formation in galaxies.  I will present recent observational advances in measuring features of the main sequence of SFGs across cosmic time, and discuss implications for understanding bursty star formation histories of low- and high-mass SFGs,  relative roles of in situ star formation versus mergers in driving galaxy mass assembly, and effects of bulge growth on galaxy star formation 


SHAO-USTC Lecture 

Title: Probes of Strong gravity

Speaker: Yefei Yuan (USTC)

TimeFriday, 1:30pm,June 19th

Location: Room 1617 

Abstract:  Emission from gas and stars (pulsars) near the event horizon of black hole could be used as probes of strong gravity of black hole. Especially, emission  from the relativistic accretion disks around black holes could be used to diagnose both the physical properties of the accretion flow and that of black hole.  Disk emission includes the continuous radiation from disk and its corona, the broad line  emission from an X-ray irradiated disk, and the polarized component from these emissions.  In this lecture, I would like to a brief review on the dynamics of different accretion  flows and how the spectral energy distribution, the line profile and its variability, polarized  emission and even the images of the accretion flow could be used to study the physical  process in strong gravity near the  event horizon of black holes. 


Group meetings and additional talks 

SHAO SDSS-IV meeting

Time: Wednesday, 3:00 pm, June 17 


Location: Room 1714

Title: Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Metallicity Distribution Functions and the Chemical Structure of the Milky Way Disk

Refs: Hayden et al. (arXiv:1503.02110)

Time: Tuesday, 3:00pm,June 16

Speaker: Zhao-Yu Li 


Radio Astrophysics Group Seminar

Location: 1617; Contact: Guangrui Yao < gryao@shao.ac.cn> 

Title: A real-time fast radio burst: polarization detection and multiwavelength follow-up 

Speaker: Rushuang Zhao 

Time: Tuesday, 11:30am, June 16 


Stellar Cluster and Galaxy Seminar group seminar 

Location: 1617; Contact: Jian Fu<fujian@shao.ac.cn> 


Title: Hypervelocity Stars, Hills Ejecta, and Other Runaways 

Speaker: John Vicker 

Time: Wednesday, 10:30am, June 17 


Cosmology and Galaxy Formation Seminar 

Location: 1714; Contact: Ting Xiao< xiaoting@shao.ac.cn> 

Title:Characterizing Multi-wavelength Properties for Galaxies via Spatially Resolved Approaches 

Speaker: Yewei Mao (PMO) 

TimeWednesday, 3:00 pm, June 17

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