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SHAO Astrophysics Colloquium

Speaker: Pengjie Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Time: Mar 22(Thursday), 3pm

Location: Lecture hall, 3rd floor
Title: ABS, CMB foreground removal, weak lensing reconstruction by counting galaxies, and beyond

Abstract: We present an Analytical method of Blind Separation (ABS) as a solution to CMB foreground removal, weak lensing reconstruction through cosmic magnification, the thermal Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect measurement, and beyond. We formulate the above questions into the same mathematical structure, for which we have discovered the analytical solution of the desired cosmological signal, free of assumptions of undesired foregrounds/contaminations. The ABS method may have applications in other astrophysical questions. The major purpose of this talk is to introduce the ABS method and to seek the possibility of new applications.

Group meetings

Black hole Accretion and High-energy Astrophysics /Black Hole Feedback and Cosmic Ray Astrophysics Seminar

Location: 1608

Time: 14:00-16:00, Wednesday (Mar. 21th)

Speaker: Hai Yang

Energy, momentum and mass outflows and feedback from thick accretion discs around rotating black holes


Speaker: Xiaodong Duan

Cool-Core Clusters : Role of BCG, Star Formation & AGN-Driven Turbulence


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